We Fight and Win Stop Sign Traffic Tickets On a Regular Basis!
First, Passing a School Bus Traffic Ticket Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy focuses on traffic offenses. Usually, every day, he helps people who receive traffic tickets in Illinois. As a result, Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy knows the law and the court rules. Therefore, he will present your Passing a School Bus Traffic Ticket case in a persuasive way. Certainly, you will hire an experienced criminal defense attorney who knows how to handle your situation.
Why Illinois Legislators, Police, Judges, and Prosecutors Take the Traffic Offense of Passing a School Extremely Seriously.
Millions of children in the United States ride safely to and from school on school buses each day. Usually, school buses are the safest way to get them to school. However, an average of 26 school-age children die in school bus-related traffic crashes each year. Moreover, most of those killed are pedestrians five to seven years of age. Often, passing vehicles or school buses themselves hit those kids in danger zones around the bus. As a result, regretfully, accidents involving motorists and school buses have made headlines in recent years.
The Traffic Offense of Passing a School Bus in Illinois.
First, 625 ILCS 5/11-1414 requires a driver of a vehicle to stop before the meeting or overtaking a school bus that stopped to pick up or unload children. Next, this rule applies to any location. Therefore, a driver shall stop before the school bus that stopped on a highway, roadway, private road, parking lot, school property, e.t.c. As a result, a police officer will issue you a ticket for passing a school bus even at Walmart parking lot. Second, this rule applies when a school bus stopped and extended the stop signal arm. Third, a school bus should flash red light. Under those circumstances, a driver of a vehicle coming from either direction must stop.
When a Driver Can Resume Driving After Stopping.
Under 625 ILCS 5/11-1414(a), drivers may proceed after stopping if one of the following happens. First, when the school bus resumes motion. Second, when a school bus driver signals to a driver to proceed. Finally, when a school bus driver turns the flashing lights of and the stop arm signal is no longer extended. Passing a School Bus Traffic Ticket Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney warns that it could be a defense to your traffic case.
When the Law Allows a Driver to Pass a School Bus.
Nevertheless, there is an exception when a driver does not have to stop by the school bus. Under the statute, if a school bus is on a highway having four or more lanes which permit at least two lanes of traffic to travel in the opposite direction, a vehicle approaching the stopped school bus in the opposite direction need not stop. At the same time, a driver who drives in the lanes going in the same direction as the school bus has to stop.
Passing a School Bus Is a Serious Moving Violation in Illinois.
Parents and caregivers rely on school buses to safely take children to and from school. As a result, Illinois law considers passing a school bus a very serious moving violation. First, if the police officer issued you a ticket for passing a school bus, you have to appear in court and face the judge. Second, you cannot receive court supervision for the traffic offense of passing a school bus. As a result, if the judge or jurors find you guilty, you will be convicted of this traffic offense. Moreover, the court will report this conviction to the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State. Subsequently, the Secretary of State will suspend your driver’s license for 90 days. Finally, if you receive another conviction for passing a school bus within a five-year period, Illinois Secretary of State will suspend your license for a year.
Statutory Fines for Passing a School Bus.
As of June 10th of 2019, any driver convicted of the traffic offense of Passing a School Bus received a mandatory fine of $150. Next, for any subsequent traffic offense of Passing a School Bus, a driver received a statutory fine of $500. However, recently, the Senate and the House approved the legislation that doubles the fines for passing a stopped school bus from $150 to a new mandatory fee of $300. Additionally, the fine for the second violation of the offense of passing a school bus will increase as well.
Call School Bus Traffic Ticket Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney for a Free Consultation.
If you are looking for a Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney with a high rate of success in having charges dismissed with no points, fines or jail time, call Attorney Tikhvinskiy. He uses proven and reliable trial strategies for successfully defending his clients in courts all over Illinois. School Bus Traffic Ticket Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy represents clients in Cook, Lake, Kane, DuPage, Will, Grundy, Kankakee, McHenry, DuPage, Boone, Winnebago, and Ogle Counties. He knows how assistant state’s attorneys prosecute drivers in those counties because he represented clients in all those places. School Bus Traffic Ticket Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy will provide you with a full explanation of your rights. Next, Attorney Tikhvinskiy will aggressively represent you in court. The first consultation is always 100% free and confidential. Call now at (312) 583-7345!