Call Chicago LSD Possession Criminal Defense Lawyer – Your LSD Possession Case Deserves Immediate Attention.
First and foremost, lysergic acid diethylamide, commonly known as LSD, is a synthetic drug. Next, LSD is a highly addictive drug. However, LSD is particularly popular because of its psychedelic effects. As a result of those effects, LSD causes visual hallucinations. LSD effects or “trips” last over 12 hours. Moreover, it is easy to hide LSD because LSD is available in small tabs of paper. As a result, possession of LSD is illegal in Illinois. In Illinois, penalties for the possession of LSD are extremely harsh. According to Illinois LSD possession laws, it is always a felony to possess any amount of LSD.
According to Illinois LSD Possession Laws, Possession of Any Amount of LSD Is a Felony.
In fact, Illinois LSD Possession Laws separate different drugs into five groups. Illinois LSD Possession Laws name those groups as schedules. Specifically, Schedule I includes the most dangerous drugs. Certainly, Schedule I are the most dangerous drugs. LSD is a Schedule I drug. Additionally, according to Illinois drug possession Laws, cocaine and heroin are also Schedule I drugs. Of course, the rise in the use of LSD caused police officers to crack down on all criminal acts involving LSD. Of Course, police officers, prosecutors, and judges punish people who have LSD way more seriously than people who possess marijuana. Under 20 ILCS 570/402, it is unlawful for any person knowingly to possess LSD.
Chicago LSD Possession Criminal Defense Lawyer Explains When State Can Charge You With Possession of LSD.
In Illinois, a person can be charged with possession of LSD, if that person knowingly carries LSD. Illinois LSD Possession laws call this actual possession. Thus, you possess LSD if you have it in your hand, pocket, or purse. Second, the state can charge you if you have LSD in the place where you live. Third, the state can charge if you keep LSD in your car. Finally, the state can charge you if you have LSD inside your locker at the gym. According to Illinois LSD Possession laws, this is called constructive possession. Constructive possession is the ability to maintain control of the area where LSD is located. Thus, Illinois LSD laws prohibit keeping LSD at any location that you control.
Sanctions for Possession of LSD in Chicago and Illinois Explained by Chicago LSD Possession Criminal Defense Lawyer.
Always, the possession of any amount of LSD is a Felony. At all times, it is a Class 4 Felony to possess up to 15 grams of LSD. Thus, you will face 1 to 3 years in prison and fines of up to $25,000. Therefore, penalties for LSD possession crimes are heavy and involve both prison time and high fines.
Possession of LSD Could Be a Class 1 Felony.
Next, it is a Class 1 Felony to possess more than 15 grams but less than 100 grams of LSD. Additionally, it is a Class 1 Felony to possess more than 15 but less than 200 objects/parts of LSD. Therefore, you will face mandatory 4 to 15 years in prisons and fines of up to $200,000. Second, you will face 6 to 30 years in prison for possessing between 100 and 400 grams of LSD or between 200 and 600 objects/parts of LSD. Third, you will face 8 to 40 years in prison for having between 400 and 900 grams of LSD or between 600 and 1500 objects/parts of LSD. Fourth, the mandatory incarceration from 10 to 50 years applies for possessing more than 900 grams or more than 1500 objects parts of LSD.
Aggravated Possession of LSD.
Moreover, if the police caught you within 1,500 of a school, church, public park, or movie theater, the court may double the time in prison. Thus, in a city like Chicago that has so many parks, it is very easy to get a longer sentence. Additionally, if you had a gun at the time when police arrested you with LSD, a judge can double the fine and the sentence.
Possession With Intent to Deliver LSD.
Usually, if you had a large amount of LSD, the State will charge you with possessing LSD with intent to deliver. Next, you can be charged with possessing LSD with intent to deliver if you had scale, cash, bags, notebooks with client’s names. Certainly, if you sell LSD to an undercover police officer or an informant who cooperates with police, the state will charge you with possessing LSD with intent to deliver.
Defenses for Possession of LSD in Chicago and Illinois.
Experienced Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer Tikhvinskiy knows many defenses available to you. First, a person cannot be convicted of possessing LSD residue. For example, on a dollar bill. Thus, the amount of LSD should be measurable or has a useable amount. Second, when police suspect that somebody possesses LSD, police must follow very strict rules to collect evidence. In fact, if a police officer violates even one single rule, Chicago LSD Possession Criminal Defense Lawyer Tikhvinskiy knows those. He will file different motions to suppress evidence. Certainly, prosecutors cannot convict you without evidence. Thus, your case will be dismissed! Finally, if the police illegally obtained evidence, it will be also possible to get rid of it.
Contact Chicago LSD Possession Criminal Defense Lawyer Tikhvinskiy as Soon as Possible!
Remember, the sooner you hire Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer Tikhvinskiy, the easier it is going be for you to beat your LSD possession case. First, Attorney Tikhvinskiy understands Illinois drug laws and Illinois LSD possession laws Second, he will review your case and will represent you to ensure the best possible outcome. Finally, he understands that criminal representation should not cost you a fortune! Thus, if police officers are investigating you for LSD possession or have already arrested you, you need to act quickly to avoid severe legal penalties of a drug possession conviction. The first consultation is always free and confidential!