Chicago Drug Paraphernalia Attorney Warns That Illinois Law Punishes for Possession of All Kinds of Drug Paraphernalia.
In Illinois, Drug Paraphernalia Control Act prohibits to possess drug paraphernalia. Under 720 ILCS 600/2(d), “drug paraphernalia” means different devices for producing or consuming cannabis and other controlled substances. Additionally, Illinois law specifies instruments that could be drug paraphernalia. For example, needles, syringes, pipes, bongs, small scales, roach clips, and rolling papers could be drug paraphernalia. However, this is an open list. Thus, other devices, which are not included in the list, could be drug paraphernalia as well. Because of such a broad definition, prosecutors charge a lot of people with possession of drug paraphernalia. As a result, Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy warns that you should not have any device that you could potentially use to consume illegal substances. However, if the state charged you, you should immediately seek help of experienced Chicago Drug Paraphernalia Attorney.
Why Tobacco Shops in Illinois Sell Drug Paraphernalia?
In Illinois, a lot of stores sell bongs and glass smoking pipes. Sometimes, they also sell water pipes and bowls. Previously, Chicago Drug Paraphernalia Attorney explained that those items could be drug paraphernalia. Thus, you could ask why those stores sell illegal goods. However, those stores do not sell drug paraphernalia. Under Illinois law, only smoking pipe that people use for smoking cannabis are drug paraphernalia. At the same time, if a person uses it for smoking tobacco, it is nor drug paraphernalia. As a result, store employees never talk about drugs with customers. However, after a glass smoking pipe leaves the store, it could easily become drug paraphernalia. If the police officer finds marijuana residue in a smoking pipe, this pipe is drug paraphernalia.
Consequences of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia in Illinois.
Usually, Illinois law punishes possession of drug paraphernalia as a Class A Misdemeanor. Thus, it carries possible jail time and fines. First, a person guilty of possession of drug will pay a statutory mandatory minimum fine of $750. Second, this person could spend up to a year in jail. Moreover, state could charge the person with the sale of drug paraphernalia. In Illinois, it is a Class 4 felony. In some cases, selling items associated with drug use could be class 2 and class 3 felonies.
Different Sentencing Options for People Charged With Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
Chicago Drug Paraphernalia Attorney represented a lot of people charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. As a result, he knows many ways how to save your criminal history even if the state has a strong case. For example, different counties have deferred prosecution programs for defendants. Often, a person accused of possession drug paraphernalia could participate in this program and successfully complete it. In exchange, the state will dismiss the case.
Call Experienced Chicago Drug Paraphernalia Attorney.
If the state charged you with a crime, call Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy. First consultation is always free. You are losing nothing by making this call. At the same time, you will get a thorough answer and a professional legal consultation. Attorney Tikhvinskiy knows many defenses that could be available for you. He also has qualifications and experience to fight against drug paraphernalia charges on your behalf.