Remember, Chicago Construction Zone Speeding Criminal Defense Lawyer Tikhvinskiy Will Fight Your Speeding Traffic Ticket!
First, Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy focuses on traffic offenses. Usually, every day, he helps people who receive speeding tickets in Illinois. As a result, Chicago Construction Zone Speeding Criminal Defense Lawyer Tikhvinskiy knows the law and the court rules. Next, he uses proven legal strategies to successfully defend you against speeding violations. Therefore, he will present your construction zone speeding case in a persuasive way. Certainly, you will hire and experienced criminal defense attorney who knows how to handle your situation.
What a Construction Zone Is.
In the first place, drivers should understand that a construction zone exists. To illustrate, there should be a sign “work zone.” Second, there should be a regulatory black and white speed limit sign. Third, the Toll Highway Authority or a local agency should post a “Photo Enforced” plaque. However, workers do not have to be present to receive a speeding ticket in a construction zone. As a result, a driver can receive a ticket for speeding in a construction zone at night or during a lunch break.
Every County Takes Construction Zone Speeding Violations Seriously.
On average, over 4,500 crashes occur in work zones per year. Moreover, motorists on average represent over 90% of the fatalities in work zones in Illinois. As a result, Illinois takes this problem seriously. For example, Illinois Construction Zone Speeding Statute directly allows police officers to use electronic speed-detecting devices within 500 feet of signs within a construction or maintenance speed zone.
Penalties for Speeding in Construction Zones.
Usually, speeding in a construction zone is a petty offense. At the same time, Illinois law punishes it with a minimum fine of $250 for the first violation. Next, under 625 ILCS 5/11-605.1(d), a violator will have to pay a $125 “hire-back fund” assessment as well. Moreover, for the second violation, the offender will have to pay a minimum fine of $750. At the same time, aggravated speeding in a construction zone, 26 mph and more, is a criminal offense.
Collateral Consequences for Speeding in Construction Zones.
Specifically, the Secretary of the State will assign 20 points to your driving record for speeding in a construction zone. Moreover, if you commit another construction zone speeding violation in a 2-year period, the Secretary of the State will suspend your driver’s license for a period of 90 days. Finally, if you receive a conviction for aggravated speeding in a construction zone, the Secretary of the State will assign 55 points to your driving record. Obviously, you should avoid the nasty consequences of the conviction for speeding in a construction zone. Therefore, you should challenge every traffic ticket you receive to keep those points off your Illinois driving record.
If You Receive a Ticket for Speeding In a Construction Zone, You Will Have to Appear in Court.
Furthermore, court appearances are mandatory in construction zone speeding ticket cases. However, Chicago Construction Zone Speeding Criminal Defense Lawyer Tikhvinskiy will help you to avoid wasting countless hours stuck in a traffic court. Most often, Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer Tikhvinskiy will take care of your case without requiring you to go to court. Additionally, Chicago Speeding Zone Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy will help you to obtain better results. Usually, he can convince a prosecutor to amend a ticket to another minor violation. Next, he can get what is called court supervision for you. Thus, it will keep points off your driving records. Additionally, that will prevent your auto insurance rate to go up. Sometimes, it makes sense to set your case for trial and to win your case!
Call Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer Tikhvinskiy for a Free Consultation.
First and foremost, Chicago Construction Zone Speeding Criminal Defense Lawyer Tikhvinskiy has a high rate of success in having charges dismissed with no points, fines or jail time. Specifically, he has the experience to handle your case, no matter how complex it is. Definitely, Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer Tikhvinskiy understands how traffic courts work, appeared in front of traffic judges. Next, Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy uses proven and reliable trial strategies for successfully defending his clients in courts all over Illinois. Moreover, Chicago Construction Zone Speeding Criminal Defense Lawyer Tikhvinskiy will provide you with a full explanation of your rights. Again, a first consultation is always 100% free and confidential. Call now at (312) 583-7345!