You Need to Hire Experienced Criminal Damage to Property Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney.
Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Maksim Tikhvinskiy focuses on defending Criminal damage to property cases in the Greater Chicago Area and all over Illinois. Thus, he understands that if the state charged you with criminal damage to property, you can easily lose your job, financial independence and freedom.
What Criminal Damage to Property in Illinois Is.
Attorney Tikhvinskiy points out that Criminal damage to property in Illinois is the crime against another person’s property. Generally, this crime occurs when you damage something that belongs to someone else. Besides, the crime occurs when you do it knowingly. It should be noted that it includes being reckless with fire or explosives. That means you didn’t have the intention to damage the property but did it anyway. For example, a man manufactured a firework and accidentally set fire to a neighbor’s car. Next, Illinois law says that other’s person domestic animal is property as well.
Illinois Criminal Code Defines Special Cases of Criminal Damage to Property.
First, start a fire on the land of another. Second, deposit on the land or in the building of another any stink bomb or any offensive smelling compound and thereby intends to interfere with the use by another of the land or building. Third, damage to property with the intent to defraud an insurer. Fourth, shoot a firearm at any portion of a railroad train. Fifth, damages or destroys with any fire hydrant or any public or private firefighting equipment, or any apparatus appertaining to firefighting equipment; or intentionally, without proper authorization, opens any fire hydrant.
Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy Warns That Criminal Damage to Property Can Ruin Your Life in Illinois.
Today, Illinois law severely punishes for the commission of the offense of criminal damage to property. It is known, in Illinois, courts punish people for criminal damage to property very hard. Penalties for damaging someone’s property depend on how much the damage would cost to repair. It can be a misdemeanor.
Criminal Damage to Property Could Be a Felony.
However, Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Maksim Tikhvinskiy warns that criminal damage to property could be a felony as well. For example, Illinois Criminal Code states, if the damage is less than $300 the penalty is up to 1 year in jail and fines of up to $2,500. At the same time, it is a Class 1 felony when damage is committed against a school, place of worship or to farm equipment and the damage is valued at more than $100,000. It means 4 to 15 years in prison and fines of up to $25,000.
Collateral Consequences of Criminal Damage to Property.
Besides, in addition to any other sentence, a court shall order any person convicted of criminal damage to property to perform community service for not less than 30 and not more than 120 hours. Also, whenever any person is placed on supervision, the supervision shall be conditioned upon the performance of the community service. The community service requirement does not apply when the court imposes a sentence of incarceration. It is particularly interesting that in addition to any criminal penalties if a person is convicted of or placed on supervision for knowingly damaging or destroying crops of another, the person is liable in a civil action to the owner of any crops damaged or destroyed for money damages up to twice the market value of the crops damaged or destroyed. Despite this, Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy believes that a successful defense can shorten the sentence or dismiss all charges.
How Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy Will Help You to Resolve Your Case.
Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy always negotiates the best deal from you from the position of strength. Moreover, he aggressively fights prosecutors and judges at every step of the case to get the best result for his client. First, Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney seeks dismissal of your criminal damage to property case. If that does not work, he fights for reducing charges or getting for you the best deal. Finally, he takes the most complicated to trial. At trial, you will need an aggressive and experienced attorney who knows how to defend people in criminal damage to property case and could beat the State’s case. There are several effective litigation strategies in every criminal damage to property case. Criminal Damage to Property Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy will choose the best.
Call Now to Schedule Free Initial Consultation.
Regretfully, in Chicago, there are too many attorneys who do not have enough experience and training to represent people in complex criminal damage to property matters. Do not put your future at stake. Call Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy to schedule a free initial consultation. The first consultation is always free and confidential. Additionally, Attorney Tikhvinskiy works hard to charge his clients reasonable fees. Call (312) 583-7345.