Chicago Obstructing Identification Criminal Defense Attorney warns That in Illinois Drivers Must Have Licenses or Permits.
In the first place, Chicago Obstructing Identification Criminal Defense Attorney warns that it is a crime to give an officer a wrong name, address of residence, or a date of birth. Most of the time, the State charges drivers with obstructing identification. Frequently, drivers receive the charge of obstructing identification together with some other traffic offenses. First, motorists should have their driver’s license or permits with them when they drive. Thus, if you do not have one, you are committing the offense of driving unlicensed.
Drivers Should Never Give a Wrong Name to the Police.
However, when a police officer stops a driver, that driver does not want to get a ticket. Moreover, the sometimes a driver has a suspended or revoked license. Sometimes, the motorist could be just scared. As a result, the driver claims that he or she forgot the license at home and gives a fictitious name or a friend’s name. After the officer recognizes that, the state will charge a person with Obstructing Identification. Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer warns that even if you give a wrong name to the police officer and later give your name, the state could still charge you with Obstructing identification.
Illinois Law Does Not Require a Person to Carry an ID.
First of all, In Illinois, there is no law that requires a person to have an ID with him or her. However, in certain situations a police officer can ask a person for a name, residence address, or date of birth. First, under 720 ILCS 5/31-4.5(a)(1), that could happen when a peace officer lawfully arrested the person. Second, under 720 ILCS 5/31-4.5(a)(2), that happens when a peace officer lawfully detained the person. Finally, according to 720 ILCS 5/31-4.5(a)(3), it is possible when a police officer requested the information from a person that thepeace officer has good cause to believe is a witness to a criminal offense. Of course, if a policeman arrests the person, he can ask for a name.
Passengers in the Car Cannot Lie About Their Names.
Moreover, very often peace officers ask passengers in the car what their names are. Chicago Obstructing Identification Criminal Defense Lawyer explained to you already that if that passengers gives a wrong name, he will be guilty of Obstructing Identification. In any event, Obstructing Identification is a Class A Misdemeanor.
Call Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy for a Free Consultation
However, if the state charged you with the offense of Obstructing Identification, you need experienced lawyer on your side. Please, be sure that Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy has skills and knowledge to effectively and aggressively represent you in Chicago and surrounding counties. First consultation is always free. Thus, call (312) 583-7345.