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Chicago Traffic Tickets Criminal Defense Attorney Warns You That Every Traffic Offense Is Serious
First, in Illinois, thousands of drivers receive traffic tickets every day. Usually, people get those traffic tickets for traffic violations. In other words, those violations are called infractions. However, those violations are not criminal. Thus, there is no jail time or a criminal conviction at stake. As a result, a lot of drivers who receive traffic tickets underestimate the consequences of those violations. Often, they think that it is just a simple traffic ticket and underestimate the consequences of traffic violations. Nonetheless, this is a big mistake that a smart driver should never make!
Driving Is a Privilege That a Driver Can Lose
Under Illinois law, if a driver gets three convictions for moving violations within a year, the Secretary of the State may suspend that driver’s license. That means that the Department of Motor Vehicles can take your license for having too many traffic tickets. Moreover, the law has harsher penalties for certain traffic violations. For example, a driver will lose his license if he or she gets a conviction for the offense of passing a stopped school bus. Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy knows that the loss of your driver’s license has terrible consequences for your life. First, you cannot drive to work. Next, you cannot drive to buy groceries. Moreover, you cannot drive your kids to school.
Remember, Your Traffic History Will Follow You All for a Long Time
Please remember that if you pay your traffic ticket, there is no way back. The conviction will stay on your driving record for a long time. Moreover, even a single traffic ticket can raise your insurance rates. Thus, you will pay twice. First, you will pay your fine. Second, you will pay more for your car insurance. Therefore, one single ticket can cause you to pay hundreds and thousands of dollars in the long run.
If You Received a Traffic Ticket Call Chicago Traffic Tickets Criminal Defense Attorney to Discuss Your Options
Never pay your ticket! First of all, after receiving a traffic ticket, it is important that you call Chicago Traffic Tickets Criminal Defense Attorney to discuss different options that you may have. Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy works hard to keep tickets off your driving record. First, Chicago Traffic Tickets Criminal Defense Attorney will negotiate with the state to get the dismissal or the best possible offer for you. Next, if you get court supervision, that will keep your driving record clean. Additionally, you could pay a reduced fine. Finally, Chicago Traffic Tickets Criminal Defense Attorney can take your traffic ticket case for trial and fight for you in court.
Chicago Traffic Tickets Criminal Defense Attorney Will Save You Time in Court
If you go to court to fight your traffic ticket, you lose a lot of time. Courts always schedule cases on business days. Thus, you will have to take a day off to appear in court. Moreover, some drivers cannot appear in court because they live far away from Chicago and got their traffic tickets while they were driving through Illinois. However, Illinois law allows Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy to appear in court on your behalf and to take care of your traffic matter. As a result, you do not have to go to court and could spend this time working or with your loved ones. Let Chicago Traffic Tickets Criminal Defense Attorney to help you. Call now (804) 356-5602.