Call Alcohol and Drug Tests Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy if You Have Questions About Drug Drops.
Often, if the state charged you with a criminal offense, you will have to do drug drops. First, it could be a condition of your bond. Usually, judges and prosecutors take violations of your bond very seriously. Second, if you plead guilty, you will have to do drug drops as a condition of your plea deal. Next, for example, you will have to drop if you choose to do a deferred prosecution program or 720 ILCS 570/410 probation. Finally, if you lose your trial, the judge can order you to do drug drops. Thus, a lot of encounters with the criminal justice system will require you to stay sober and to do drops. However, Drug Tests Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy warns that often people do not even realize how strong their addiction is. Thus, often, people fail drug drops. Therefore, those drops show the presence of alcohol or drugs.
It Is Almost Impossible to Beat A Drug Test.
Usually, people believe that still it is possible to cheat on a drug test. For example, there is a myth that it will help to drink a lot of orange juice. Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy worked as a public defender in the past and heard a lot of stories like that. At the same time, some people try to defraud tests at the testing facility. First, they use someone else’s urine. Often, that does not work because urine should be warm. If you bring urine to the testing facility, it will be cold. As a result, a probation officer will easily detect cheating. However,
Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy’s favorite situation is when people use special devices. For example, whizzinators. Please feel free to google it to learn more about that device. Frequently, that does not work as well.
Sanctions for Cheating on a Drug Test.
If you try to cheat on a drug test and an officer catches you, you can face way more severe sanctions than sanctions for failing the test. According to 720 ILCS 5/17-57, it is always a Class 4 Felony to defraud drug and alcohol screening tests. Moreover, this article applies to all drug and alcohol screening testing. As a result, Illinois law prohibits cheating at any testing that includes hair follicle testing, perspiration testing, saliva testing, etc.
If You Have Questions About Drug Tests, Call Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy.
Always, Chicago criminal defense attorney Tikhvinskiy fight aggressively to protect the rights of his clients. Moreover, Chicago criminal defense attorney Tikhvinskiy represents clients in Chicago, the Greater Chicago Area, Cook County, Lake County, McHenry County, Kane County, DuPage County, Will County, Kendall County, Grundy County, Winnebago County, Boone County and all over Illinois. The first consultation is 100% free and always confidential! Call at (312) 583-7345!